National Champions

Ok, so we won our cheer spirit nationals! ๐Ÿ™‚ I was literally so nervous that during the first competition on Friday (to get to finals): My mind went blank. I couldn’t think or remember anything or what I was doing. That was one of my biggest fears and I guess I faced it because I just smiled and clapped as I walked backwards. I didn’t get yelled at because most people didn’t notice, but I’m guessing my coach did. Nice thing about being tall is I didn’t have a counter part, so I could’ve done just about anything and no one would know if I was suppose to or not. The second day of the competition was Finals. I wanted to make sure I didn’t psych myself out again. The only reason I think I blanked was because I kept thinking about how hard we all worked and thought I was going to ruin it or how sad everyone would be if we lost. The only thing I should’ve thought was that it’s just like at practice, we are there to have fun and prove how bad we wanted the trophy and medals. So I just decided to have fun with it. I didn’t blank at all and I remembered everything as well as making the stupid peppy faces that I’d usually make fun of other cheerleaders for doing. Funtimes ๐Ÿ™‚ First season ever that we went undefeated by winning first at every competition! This was my first and last year doing cheer because I’m graduating early, so I’m glad I had this wonderful experience.

Photo cred: my dad ๐Ÿ˜›

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