learn from friends mistakes

I had no idea what to talk about in this post, but my friend D and I were talking about his weekend and it inspired me to write a post about pretending to be other people on the phone. these are his exact words “a girl gave me and my friend her phone and told us to text her mom at 9 and acting like the girl. She said to say “hey mom I’m staying at Emma’s house tonight” because the girl wanted to go partying. Anyways, the mom asked Emma who? And we said the wrong last name and the mom caught on. The parents said they were calling the cops and tracking the phone so we took the phone drove out and smashed it on the road, ran over it, then went to some fields and threw it. The girl was reported missing, even though she was just at a party, and she had no idea cops were searching for her and all this shit was happening.” That was my friends story….. then at deltopia I have a story of my own. A few months ago there was this huge day rager in iv (deltopia) and my friend lied to her parents and said she would have someones parents call them. In the middle of a house party, they call her… we run over to the park so it’s kind of quiet but not really. She says to pretend im febee’s mom. I pretend I’m febee’s mom just to help her out and she says ok so what’s the plan for tonight… I make up some great bs that my parents would say, and then she asks my address… i pause for a second and she says you don’t know your address and I say can I call you back in a second… obviously she freaks out. I say to my friend I can’t get in the middle of your business I’m a horrible liar. she then has three other people attempt to convince her mom they’re febbe’s mom. It was kind of ridiculous, but really funny. Moral of the story faking to be someone’s parents only works if you’re my friend chris. My friend chris wants to be an actor and is really good at improv and impersonations. So he loves pretending to be his dad when talking to friends parents because it’s really convincible. he told my friends parents there was no drinking going on and parental supervision, I was laughing because his mom lives in brazil… theres no parents at his house and there is always 3 bottles of hard liquor in the freezer. his house is a party house. So don’t lie to parents on the phone it usually doesn’t work out unless acting is your forte.

