So, It’s only one more day until the end of the week and all I can think about is the weekend. Normally I’m ok with that because of the random chance I’d actually have time to hangout with my friends. But this weekend we have Cheer Nationals in Anaheim which basically means Eat Sleep Cheer. So basically we are only aloud to think about winning from tonight until saturday night… funnnn.
I am driving up to L.A. right now. Typing my post in the car.. but by the time you are reading this I will be at my hotel since theres no internet in here to publish it. I am really excited, nervous, and scared all at the same time. I get to room with my cheer friends so that’ll be fun since I’m bringing a ton of movies and we all are friends. Theres four of us in one room though.. don’t know where we are sleeping. Might have to Ke$ha it and sleep in the bathtub.. jk that’s nasty haha. Anyway wish us luck, I just wanna get to Finals and then Hopefully we win but i’m just stressing to at least make it to finals. We have all worked so hard and I know for some of the people on the team Cheer is their life. I would feel so horrible if we didn’t at least get to finals for them. Well I gotta go “Bring it on” is on… God cheers made me way to girly. Oh well I only got one more week of it at least I’m not wearing pink ;P

cheer sea... Photo CRED: DAD

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