arTsy tiMe

I’ve recently been looking up really interesting pictures created in photoshop. These pictures kind of disorient the viewer which makes them unique from just normal photography. In this picture your brain wants to think her dress is turning into water… however that wouldn’t make sense. This picture makes you wonder why she’s in the middle of the ocean in the dark, what she’s looking at, why she is in a dress in the ocean, etc. Another picture which is one of my favorites is…
This picture is an astronaut about to go surfing as he looks up at the sky made of a giant nebulae. Who wouldn’t want to surf in space… just look at that view! This picture toys with reality. Your brain tries to comprehend how space is visible from the beach, this makes you come to the conclusion that it’s a different planet, but doesn’t make sense! how is the astronaut going surfing in a place that looks like hawaii on a different planter but no other planets have conditions exactly like earth. This makes you wonder how he is on a beach on a different planet.


so I went to Dp’s prom saturday night.  It was really fun, I went with a bunch of friends and we even snuck some people in. (we went to dinner at Blush, and the two 25-30 year old ladies were saying we looked so cute in our dresses and tuxes and that they wanted to go) I told them I’d text them and help sneak them in. So when we got to the Bacara where prom was being held… we walk in and already see them on the dance floor! They told the people at the door that they were teachers and they just let them in! It was so amazing! I hope I’m like that when I get older. I think I had the most fun before and after the prom… I mean I’m not really into dances so that’s probably why. Before the dance we took pictures at the beach and met up with everyone, then we got icecream and went to ride on the carousel in our dresses. We then went to dinner at blush, which was really yummy. Then we drove to the bacara, went to prom and then met up with more people and drove them to the after prom at Zodos. There were photobooths, caricatures, airbrush tattoos, henna, poker,arcade games, bowling, black jack tables, spinny wheels that have prizes on it, pool tables, free food and drinks, and craps which I played with my friend and was like ” I have no idea what’s going on who invented this” . My friend won the poker game it was really funny he didn’t even know how to play. Then we drove my friend home and went to the beach. We were going to have a bonfire but we didn’t want to go out and buy lighter fluid and wood, so we just laid on the beach and talked. I still wanted smores so I lit my marshmello on fire with my lighter…. it tasted horrible. Then we went to denny’s and had breakfast and then dropped off more people. I got home at noon and I’m apparently in trouble because I was suppose to be home at 8. Either way it was worth it!

alex took this

alex took this

i love my weird friends <3 slefiiiess

i love my weird friends

joan took this
joan took this


Random things I’ve always wanted to do.

1. Go to a paint festival. (like the one in India) or throw one!

It looks amazing!

2. Travel with little to no items and no sense of where you are going. Just see where the adventure takes you. Material items hold us back and I’d love to see what it’s like to leave everything behind and just live.

3.  Bike from Santa Barbara to Ventura. I always said I was going to… and I used to do bike trips with my school where we biked distances way longer and more uphill, but I always was to lazy when I got back from the trips to do so.  I wanted to do it when I was still in shape.

4.  Go to a country where I don’t know anyone, where I don’t speak the language, and where very few people know English. That’d definitely be an adventure. I’m tired of going to places trying to learn the language and they just get annoyed of me trying to speak in a different language.. and respond ” I speak English too”.

5. Go on a road trip with my friends to this music festival in Washington this summer, although I don’t know if her friend driving is sketchy or not. She said she met him at a rave in L.A. so I don’t think I’d be down for doing a road trip with some random. 😛 But I would love to do a road trip with my friends next year to EDC.




Matador music festival (Porter Robinson almost got arrested)

This weekend we finally had our music festival in Santa Barbara. There were carnival rides, music, dancing, people in costumes, flags, feather headdresses, face paint, sober people, drunk people, people on drugs, people on shoulders, people hopping the rail to back stage, people laying on the grass. It was definitely a day I will never forget.

We made EDM history when the concert was shut down at 11:00pm for numerous noise violations. There were a few companies that put together this event, and the poor communication between the two companies was the reason it was shut down early. One of the contracts said the event would be over at 11:00 and the other said it would be over at 11:30. Porter Robinson was having an amazing time and even went on the mic.. which he seldom does. He announced the cops were shutting the show down in 5 mins…he announced his last song and started to play. The cops cut the power during Porter Robinson’s favorite and last song “Language” right before the drop. The crowd went silent… left confused and wanting more. After a long discussion with the cops, he explained to the crowd that the festival was being shut down a half an hour early. The crowd went crazy yelling “F*** THE POLICE!” The cops were then trying to arrest Porter for inciting a riot. The cops tried to arrest him and seize all of his equipment as “evidence”. He was already having a bad day when his flight to sb landed an hour before he went on (because of delays) I’m just glad he wasn’t arrested.

People were sad and angry screaming “one more song, f*** the police, porter!porter!, and I.V!” In 2011 he made a surprise visit to the college town Isla Vista by UCSB. It was crazy, and the crowd went hard! He said how much he loved our town and loved I.V. which was probably why he didn’t hesitate to play again. I just hope he doesn’t avoid our town in the future. To be honest I think we go the hardest out of all the places on the west coast. There is no place like Santa Barbara and even though the festival was cut a little over half an hour short… it was definitely worth it to be shut down knowing it was because we were having too much fun and being to loud and crazy.

Street art

I’m going to journey back to my creative days… lets actually talk about art!

A little while ago there was a bunch of painted pianos downtown… I found this really creative and I know it added to a lot of peoples joy. My friend got a huge smile on her face when she saw them and ran over and started to play 🙂

Next we have 3D art! I have never personally seen this type of art but I looooove it! It is the illusion that the art is coming to life that I really love. I also like the way It convinces your brain that it’s real.

I really want to make 3D art I think that’d be sooo fun! ok now we have random street art (graffiti, works of art,murals):


It’s that time of the year again! Deltopia! This is three straight days of epic parties/chaos in  none other than Isla Vista. I will be attending Saturday night and Sunday afternoon to take pictures. A guy I work with is throwing a party so I’m going for moral support of course 😀 . I honestly don’t understand how peoples parents believe the stories that their children tell them. My dad knows where I am at every second which means I have to be the responsible one any time I go anywhere. I mean it kind of sucks because while all my friends are being crazy, I’ll just be dancing and taking pictures and shooting people with  squirt guns ( I feel like a five yearold). But I mean then again making sure my friends are ok is worth it. Plus I heard there is gonna be mad cops! It’s technically the biggest Islavistan holiday not including Halloween. This spun off of Floatopia which originated in 2003 but really started in 2004. It recently was ban from Isla vista due to the attendance of over 10,000 people and the trash left behind by the 10,000 people as well as the injuries and drunk people creating chaos. in 2010 Santa barbara officials blocked the entrances to the beach…. this started Deltopia. Instead of bringing a float and chilling in the ocean while everyone parties on the beach, now it’s where every house on Del Playa throws parties and we party in the street. It’ll be epic… but floatopia wouldve been so much more amazing!

Summertime sadness

I’m kinda obsessed with Lana del Ray right now hence the title of this post… anyway WHO’S READY FOR SUMMER????!!!! Only 2 1/2 more months OH. MY. GOD! Summer seriously can’t get here fast enough. I’m going to state the reasons why I’m this psyched for summer….

Main reason: After my last day of school this year, I never EVER have to take another 8am class….. EVER!!!!! 😀 I mean unless there’s a class I reeeeallly want to take. So this is my last year of high school. It was alright but I don’t really think I’ll miss much. Besides my mom blabbing on about prom…. ALL the time. I have no interest in school dances or school functions or even spirit despite the fact that I’m a cheerleader.  If I happen to go to prom to shut her up it will probably be next year when all my other friends go. But I mean seriously people make way to big of a deal about it. She should just be glad I’m skipping two years of school.

Second Reason: I will finally get to see my guy friend because he goes to college up in Oregon and we barely ever get to see each other.

third reason: I’m going to EUROPE! I’m meeting all of my friends there. My friend Anne lives in france and she wants to take me to all the clubs there, my friend Eleonora is going to come visit me in Rome because she only lives 2 hours away in Naples. Izzie is going to come visit too! I might go to Germany to visit Manuel but that’s probably not going to happen because I’d rather spend that money to go to Ibiza with Anne 🙂 we are going to all split the cost of an apartment and go there.

fourth reason: I’ve barely been sleeping and I can’t wait to catch up on that.

fifth reason: even though I have about 290 hours of community service I really want to volunteer this summer. My friends work at this really cool foreign exchange program where you  get a bunch of community service hours for hanging out with foreigners and showing them around southern California.

fifth reason: I need relaxing time and Sunny weather

sixth reason: Summer solstice, Identity Festival in San Diego with all my friends, Lightning in a Bottle, Burning Man, Concerts in La, electric forest maybe, (Tommorowland and EDC! probably not even though i really want to go )


Story of the week

This is a story my best friend wanted to grace you with.

It was fall 2012 when I told my mom that I was sleeping over at my friends house, when I was actually going to my other friends house down the street. We planned a huge party, where we invited close friends and complete strangers. There was underage drinking, spin the bottle and other scandalous activities. When we thought everything was going great, there was a knock at the door. My mom was standing before me and I was totally embarrassed. She told me to get my best friend, Rachel, who had been at the party too and get in the car. During the whole car ride Rachel and I were grasping each others hands for dear life. We knew death was near. The day after, my phone was confiscated and I was grounded for a week, but the worst part wasn’t being punished , it was losing my moms trust. This story probably won’t influence any teenager to make right decisions and I truly believe that you need to experience something like this to really understand why you shouldn’t lie to your parents, it’s not worth it. Trust me.

— ❤ love ARYA (name has been changed to protect the innocent) 😛

I took this so (photocred)

I took this so (photocred)


An ode to my converse (english assignment.. don’t look at me like i’m crazy :P)

Just by looking at you my feet feel like they’re walking on clouds. So cozy and snug, like majestic polar bears hugging my feet. You’re NOT the prettiest, but you make me smile! you’re perfectly imperfect and worth all the while. With scuff marks and footprints… and caked in mud, you’re a work of art. You’re drawn all over in sharpies and pens, people call you two’s and three’s, but you’ll find your perfect match ‘cus I call you ten’s. That’s not very funny, I know you get my humor though, oh did I mention your shoelaces glow? only in the dark that is… the rest of the time they’re black and covered in dirt. You’ve been walked all over and trampled, you have experienced it all. Just PLEEEEEEESE don’t let me fall. You know I’m clumsy… that’s for sure. I wore you as I tripped up the stairs, yes up! and landed on my face thanks a bunch! 😦 You’ve been with me through all my memories, through thick and thin…. my feet would like to thank you for being a second skin.  From skipping in the rain to biking in the blazing sun, you’re just like my friends (insanely fun)! You’ve been there all night, as I danced my cares away…..and been there all day, as I walk home after missing the bus. Now, it’s not just me anymore, converse. it’s us!!!! ❤

I wrote a loving poem to my shoes…I have come to the conclusion you can literally write about anything. This is a sketch of converse since I didn’t want to get my camera out at 11:11 at night…. 11:11 yay! make a wish!

wE aRe iNfiniTe

I made a poem one night as I talked to my friend who is super into talking about deep stuff and what not. He probably is just stoned all the time, I really don’t think he’s that poetic in real life but his thoughts sometimes contain wisdom. You kind of have to weed through them though, 60% of the stuff he says makes absolutely no sense and you can tell he just thinks it’s so profound and I’m like mhhmkay sure haha 😛

We are infinite, the universe spread out right in front of our eyes. Can we grasp reality or is it all just an enigma. Image and sound from the eternal dream we are dreaming. Indefinite yet undefined. Do we ever really wake up or do we keep on dreaming this wild adventure. Never mind, don’t bother trying to comprehend it for those who think they have figured it out… will walk with an empty soul that’s missing the spark of life and imagination we all strive for.