So, It’s only one more day until the end of the week and all I can think about is the weekend. Normally I’m ok with that because of the random chance I’d actually have time to hangout with my friends. But this weekend we have Cheer Nationals in Anaheim which basically means Eat Sleep Cheer. So basically we are only aloud to think about winning from tonight until saturday night… funnnn.
I am driving up to L.A. right now. Typing my post in the car.. but by the time you are reading this I will be at my hotel since theres no internet in here to publish it. I am really excited, nervous, and scared all at the same time. I get to room with my cheer friends so that’ll be fun since I’m bringing a ton of movies and we all are friends. Theres four of us in one room though.. don’t know where we are sleeping. Might have to Ke$ha it and sleep in the bathtub.. jk that’s nasty haha. Anyway wish us luck, I just wanna get to Finals and then Hopefully we win but i’m just stressing to at least make it to finals. We have all worked so hard and I know for some of the people on the team Cheer is their life. I would feel so horrible if we didn’t at least get to finals for them. Well I gotta go “Bring it on” is on… God cheers made me way to girly. Oh well I only got one more week of it at least I’m not wearing pink ;P

cheer sea... Photo CRED: DAD

CrEaTivE cOsTumEs

Now I know it’s not Halloween and you probably have no use for creative costume ideas. However, there are always festivals and shows like beyond wonderland or you can just be weird and make costumes for no reason. Soooo I think the more unique a costume is… the more you stand out (in a good way). When you see the same costumes people just look at your costume and think “I know you bought that from the Halloween store or Bizerk or something like that”. Who wants that right? Here are some of my favorite Halloween costumes I have seen:
My friend and I dressed up as Wanda and Cosmo from the fairly odd parents. (best costume I’ve done by far… until she decided she looked like a lesbian in Cosmo clothes 😦 cosmos a guy of course she would look like a dude but whatever haha)

The Censored Girls… my friend got a picture with these girls when they went for Halloween on Del Playa and their costume was a cut rectangle out of black cardboard or something… and painted censored on it. They taped it to their chests and It looked like they were on tv and they were censored for nudity… it was super funny!

This one is super cute… it’s a baby in a spaghetti and meatball costume! 😀



I would so do this costume right here! She painted herself to look like she came out of a comic book! That’s dedication right there! It would take so long to do that.

dIffErEnT oUtLooKs oN LiFe

Everyone sees the world in a different way. I’ve even seen the world in many different ways over just the past year. Peoples mindsets change after experiencing certain situations or experiences. For example some people see the world to be a gift and pure beauty, they overlook the bad without being naive and thinking it doesn’t exist. This is how I see it. I used to see everything in black and white like these people are bad and this is good. That’s really no way to live.

Everyone…even the most horrible person you can think of, has feelings and has a good pure side. Maybe the good outways the bad, you just haven’t stopped to see that. Some people see the little things in life as the most important instead of coming to terms with the big things. My mother does this. Frankly i think she needs to wake up and realize she’s wasting her life yelling at her family over little things and stressing out over what suit to wear to court instead of trying to be happy. I know she loves being a lawyer because she’s trying to make a difference, but just being her carefree self before all the stress was when she was the happiest.

I keep seeing life as kind of a ticking clock, and I know that’s weird for someone my age but I mean it’s MY life and i don’t wanna spend it with regrets and waste it doing things i don’t care about or don’t love doing. I want to experience life to the fullest. I honestly wouldn’t care if i was broke and living on the street as long as I was happy. I have my life planned out for me, and i know i made most of the decisions. it’s just I feel like i’m gonna wake up in 20 years and be like “where did my life go”. I mean I’m graduating a year early (next year). I’m staying at community college for senior year, then i’m transfering to a Uc as a Sophmore (probably UCLA). then i’m taking a bunch of classes to get into med school…. By the time I graduate from Med school and have tons of debt in school loans I’m going to realize that a majority of my life is gone. Not to mention do I even want to go through all that? I really want to help people and I’m really interested in the Brain and Neuroscience or being a Neurosurgeon, but it is going to be really hard and what if I end up wanting to be something else. It’s a really big decision and it maps out the course of my life.

I don’t know what i want to do. I don’t know what i want to be. All I know is I’m trying to find something I love and trying to findout what makes me happy.

image from

EyE cAnDy

The eye is the window to the soul so why not make your eyes sparkle. Tired of going out with the traditional eyeliner or smokey eye… add some sparkle,designs,jewels,or even little drawings!

Here is some inspiration:

Fake eyelashes are the best way to dramatize your look, however they kind of freak me out so I never wear them. I mean glueing something to your eyelashes can’t be good. But here are some examples of where that could take you….

I’ve always thought they looked super pretty, like fake contacts look with the colors and neon… but it just freaks me out putting things in my eye. Oh well I’m sure you guys will look awesome!

here’s some amazing rainbow eyes!


one of the scariest things i’ve seen was when I was at a show with some friends and its all dark and a guy turns around and is wearing these white backlight reactant contact lenses that had these diamondish shaped pupils …scared me soooo much he looked like a demon alien cat thing haha heres the way black light ones look like:

heres one of my favorite contact lenses #jaws

so I hope you get some ideas from all of these different eye looks… go out have fun, freak people out, and send me some of your make up ideas!

TuRn yOur sHirtS iNto aRt

I hate wearing normal t-shirts where the collar is choking you with its conservative-ness. No offense to people who really like them I just feel like I can’t breath. So the first thing I do is cut off the collar in cowl neck fashion.
…like such

The second thing I do is cut the shirt in a certain design. If there is fun imagery on the front you can do the designs on the back. I’ve gotten pretty good at this one…

I do this to a lot of my shirts.

now here are some designs to inspire your tshirt design. (I’m aware the links look horrible but I got them in class and had no time to find just the main link.)

If you make any really fun designs, post in the comments below and I cant wait to see some of your designs!

WhAt MaKeS mOvIes cReATive?!

I recently watched the movie RUN LOLA RUN in film class and I really liked it! This made me start to think what makes a movie creative and interesting.

The story line is one of the main things and most obvious. If the story lines boring like a man who made mac and cheese… no one wants to see a movie about some one making mac and cheese. The story line has to be interesting and make you curious! a tiny bit of confusion is always good…but not too much! You want the viewer to know whats going on or at least understand it.

The choice of shots or angles. The camera work should be appealing to the eye, as well as the color palate or choice of colors. Each scene has a chosen set of colors by the director. This gives you insight into the mood or feeling of the scene.

The type of music chosen should also give the viewer a sense of the mood, good music can sometimes even make a really bad movie not as bad.

The movie shouldn’t tell you everything that is going to happen in the first five minutes there should be a sense of mystery or plot twists along the way. It can’t be predictable. This makes the viewer expect things will happen and eventually leave them bored.,d.b2I&psig=AFQjCNEqkoEjxIwNv78A4ZMtMWnLy38tTQ&ust=1361591920533592

Image from

This movie was really good because it incorporated all of these aspects. The main colors were red and blue and green and yellow. The red in her hair and the phone in her apartment. Symbolizing danger, excitement, love, adventure. The green bag with the money symbolized greed and wealth. Blue symbolizing eternity, sadness. Yellow symbolizing life. Nothing is an accident directors do everything for a purpose.

The music gave a feel of adventure through the choice of dance music songs. And gave a sense of confusion like what’s going to happen?!
You guys should watch it but make sure to get subtitles unless you speak german 🙂

adD RanDom CrEaTiviTy To YOuR eVerYdaY LiFE

Light up your life with some new creative ways to make people smile.
Wrap your bike in lights or EL wire to make yourself bright so cars can see you.But also make you smile every time you ride your bike.

Pick something you see everyday and take it from being normal to wonderful. If your phone is boring, collage the back with your favorite things or get a boring case and use it as a canvas. I always have my phone with me so I change it every few weeks with new stickers and paint and jewels. If I end up ruining the case… which is inevitable because of me painting it every week and accidentally dropping it, I will probably just get a boring case. You can only have so much creativity in your life haha 🙂

Take a little mirror on your dresser and decorate it with a few little stickers on the side and a fun countdown on the mirror in lipstick or eyeliner. 5 more weeks til spring break! 😀 that’s what’s on mine! It gives you motivation to focus on school work and study while also seeing the light at the end of the tunnel when you are going to have a ton of fun!

I saw this in my friends dorm room and loved it! Get a giant sheet of paper and write the dates on it, or a calendar and hang it up on your door. then put bubble wrap over it and every day pop the bubble on today’s date! Its a fun thing to do when you get up in the morning. I’m pretty sure you can also buy it at urban outfitters but I’m not positive and it’d be waaaay cheaper to make 🙂

Paint your door a fun color, collage it, put up tickets, concert posters you’ve been to, letters from friends, Polaroids of you and your friends! (my current obsession) Funky tape (zebra,animal print,ones with pictures on it) add sparkly or jeweled stickers Just have fun with it!

Steal a flamingo from a hookah bar (no comment) 🙂 and tape a flower to its head and duct tape it to your wall. Go poster stealing around town and take posters off of all the bulletin boards and clubs and music venues and post those on your wall too! why not 🙂 might as well get in a shaving cream fight and ride around in shopping carts. Yeah, ok all that was my weekend. 🙂 I have pretty crazy friends! What they say is true though your life isn’t complete with out a few crazy friends and I’m the craziest 😀 haha

streamer your room, my friend and I did this once. It was really fun , we just blasted Nirvana and streamered the ceiling and jumped on the bed. Surprisingly entertaining. or mummy your friend in streamers 😛

Or tp your own house to piss off your parents…. this way you don’t get as in trouble if you get caught haha just be like whoops you mean this isn’t the neighbors house. Gotta admit i’ve never done this but always wanted to.. the only time I’ve got tp-ed it was my friends and they were too drunk to actually tp it. They threw two rolls of toilet paper onto my roof and it rolled back down and landed in a bush and on a cactus. Greaaaat job guys 🙂 The next day my friend was like “We got you sooo good dude!” haha my dad burst out laughing when he saw the two rolls of toilet paper.

However the only time I’ve ever tp-ed a house we got him really good but His dad came out and chased us… I slipped on this annoying pebble thing in their garden and broke my foot… the only reason we didn’t get caught tho was because he then went back inside so he didn’t have to pay for liabilities haha. We then proceeded to drive back to my friends house and throw me back into her window seeing as we snuck out.
sooo funny!!!

I do a lot of stupid things just because of boredom so Boredom leads to Stupidity…. remember that 😛

SO just have fun with all the creativeness and if you really cant think of anything creative just think what would Amanda do 🙂 haha just be random that almost always works!

PhOto aRt

Who wants to be normal when you can be out of the ordinary and unique, go above and beyond! If everyone made the same painting the world would be a really dull place.. take that tree and do something different with it! make it something to look at.

what is that? i don’t know thats what makes it great! haha it’s unique

photography on drugs… i can dig it! 🙂

If you don’t know how to make it more creative you can always look at it from a different angle.

so main point: be unique and be you, don’t try to make stuff you think other people would like… it’s all about expressing yourself!

and I’m gonna put this one in in honor of my birthday today 😉

ok back to being all creative. the lack of creativity (mostly laziness) that i have and my ability to pretend to be creative, must mean anyone can do it! haha well then again i guess i am saying two different messages.. be yourself and then be creative… does that mean i’m creative? haha